Cheque Recovery Services (CRS) has continued to enjoy solid growth since Director, Sam Testa established the agency in 1988.
Sam Testa is a lot of things; local businessman, corporate consultant, business mentor. He’s also the face of CRS. With over 33 years experience chasing bad debts, he knows what it takes to improve your cash flow through debt recovery.
“I started Cheque Recovery,” says Sam Testa “because I knew Iwanted to change the approach to recovering money. With business bankruptcies on the rise successful debt recovery is becoming all the more crucial for small companies. The prompt collection of debts is critical in ensuring business has sufficient cash to meet its working capital requirements and to reduce the reliance on overdrafts and other exterrnal funds."
“Before the company’s inception in 1988, I had 12 years experience in the credit industry. During that time, it occurred to me that the majority of unpaid debts weren’t getting resolved because debt collection had become largely impersonal and some missed out on getting paid simply because the approach to recovering money is done in completely the wrong way".
“I know when I call someone, I want to speak to them. Not their associate, not their assistant, and certainly not their answering machine. That’s why CRS is committed to developing strong long-term relationships with our clients."
“We don’t purchase debtor ledgers because it’s more efficient knowing clients on a personal level. They concentrate on their turnover and we concentrate on collecting their dollars. We become their credit department."
“I’m proud to say that the vast majority of our clients who have used our services since day one are still part of the CRS family today."
“Still, Some companies are losing as much as 25 per cent of their annual turnover as a result of unpaid client debts. That’s 25 per cent too much.
“Here at CRS, we’ve found that negotiation is the key to results. If you can come to a compromise or arrangement with the debtor to pay in installments, people are more likely to respond.”
Human Resources
The key to any successful debt collection agency is quality personnel. The key to quality personnel is quality training. That’s why we provide all our debt collectors compulsory training in (but not limited to):
Advanced Telephone Debt Collection Techniques
Basic and Advanced Credit Management
Cash Flow Management
ACCC-ASIC Debt Collection Guideline for Collectors and Creditors